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Re: [Attn Maintainer] stow

On 7/31/2015 2:01 PM, Achim Gratz wrote:
Andrew Schulman writes:
I have a filter set up to flag messages with HEADSUP in the subject line as
important.  So I always read those.  Other maintainers are probably filtering on
HEADSUP in a similar way.

I wasn't aware that this was an agreed-upon keyword and I can't find
where it is documented, but I think it should be.

I'm not sure it's an agreed-upon keyword, and I'm actually surprised to hear that some maintainers are filtering on that word. As a practical matter, however, I think Andrew is probably right that HEADSUP is a good way to get the attention of several maintainers at once. Corinna and Yaakov seem to be the main people who use it (e.g.,


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