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Re: HEADSUP: Packages with obsolete dependencies

On Wed, 2015-02-11 at 11:28 -0500, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> > orpie                                        Andrew Schulman
> OK.  I just rebuilt orpie, and now it depends on libncursesw10.  Is that the
> right successor to libncurses10?  If so, I'll upload the new build.

Yes, please.

> > ploticus                                     Andrew Schulman
> This package needs to be updated and I've tried a few times to rebuild it, but
> the build always fails and so far I haven't been able to solve it.  I'm not
> actively using it any more anyway, so maybe it's time to obsolete it, unless
> someone else wants to pick it up.

I'm always willing to discuss cases like this.  Please post the .cygport
and patches, along with the error message(s) you are seeing.


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