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Re: Setup patch to keep test version if test version installed

On Jan 26 11:45, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Jan 26 11:15, Achim Gratz wrote:
> > Corinna Vinschen writes:
> > > No, no.  Thanks for noticing!  I was sure that the comparison operators
> > > are comparing using compareVersions() under the hood so I didn't check.
> > > How embarrassing.  Now I see that they only do a casecompare, as you said.
> > 
> > That's arguably a bug in the comparison operator implementation, so
> > maybe we should fix that instead?
> I'm not so sure in which scenarios the operators are used.  In those
> scenarios the caasecompare might be the right thing to do.
> Btw., while playing with my patch, I found that setup has a bug.
> I first thought this is my patches fault, but the current release of
> setup already shows this behaviour:
> Consider the cygwin package:
>   Installed:  1.7.34-004
>   Curr:       1.7.33-1
>   Test:       1.7.34-005
> When I enter the chooser dialog, the "New" version is set to 1.7.33-1.
> Now I click on the version number multiple times:
>   1.7.33-1    --click-->    Keep
>               --click-->    1.7.34-005
>               --click-->    Uninstall
>               --click-->    Keep
>   Huh?
>               --click-->    1.7.34-005
>               --click-->    Uninstall
>               --click-->    Keep
>   Where's 1.7.33-1?
>               --click-->    1.7.34-005
>               --click-->    Uninstall
>               --click-->    Keep
> Argh.  Where does *this* occur?  I guess the above needs fixing before I
> apply any changes to the default selection :(((

I checked in code which fixes this issue, which simplifies the package
choosing algorithm when clicking on the package line, and which
implements the default package in a way which never "downgrades" a
package without the user's explicit consent by choosing the lower
package version manually.  This is much more in line with the update
mechanism in Linux package managers.

I uploaded test builds of this setup to

Please give it a try.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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