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Re: GNOME category exists now?

On Wed, Oct 27, 2004 at 07:33:22PM -0400, Yaakov Selkowitz wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>Christopher Faylor wrote:
>| Please post a URL showing this.  Thanks.
>Showing what?  That it's a category in debian?
>Or did I misunderstand you?

No, you didn't misunderstand me. You did post the address of a web
site which is meant for human consumption, though.

This is the list of sections that I found in :

admin     electroni interpret misc      perl      tex
base      embedded  kde       net       python    text
comm      games     libdevel  news      science   utils
devel     gnome     libs      oldlibs   shells    web
doc       graphics  mail      otherosfs sound     x11
editors   hamradio  math

The package list found there is not a one-to-one with the web page that
you referenced but gnome is listed in the definitive list, so it's ok to
use it in Cygwin, too.

We don't do things exactly like Debian in every case but if there
is precedent in Debian it helps to make the Cygwin decision.


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