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Re: crosstool status

On Tue, Mar 22, 2005 at 07:34:34AM -0500, Robert P. J. Day wrote:

> one more suggestion (as if you needed any more).  from the recent
> traffic on this list, it seems that there are still some known bugs in
> crosstool, which is to be expected, no problem with that. if that's
> the case, though, i would make the argument that what is warranted is
> yet another *release candidate*.  0.28-rc40, anyone? :-)

Please, no, not _another_ -rc.

> philosophically (at least in my experience), putting a regular version
> number on something (0.29? 1.0?) means that it has passed at least
> some level of Q/A testing, it appears to perform nominally and there
> are no obvious flaws or show-stoppers in the code that is *already
> there*.

The current version does work well in many cases.  That there are
some issues left is IMHO no reason not to make a regular release.
(That'd mean you can't make a release as long as bug_count > 0, which
might very well never be the case :)


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