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crosstool status

I've got gcc-4.0-20050305 / glibc-{2.3.3, 2.3.4, 2.3.5-20050307}
toolchains building for x86, amd64, and powerpc.
I also updated to more recent 2.4 and 2.6 kernels.
Now I'm just doing regression builds to make
sure I didn't break anything.  And, of course, I'm
finding lots of little things to fix, so it's taking a while.

Good thing I have four machines at home now (two 1800MHz Athlon XP's
put together from motherboards on sale at Fry's,
one dual 600MHz pIII I got for $30, and
one spiffy new 1800MHz amd64 compaq laptop, $800 on sale)
churning away at the builds, or it'd take forever.
(Heck, even with four machines it takes forever...)

The next version will be numbered crosstool-0.29.
(The old numbering was too confusing, and I never seemed
to get to a release point, so may as well give up on
the idea of rc's.)  I hope to get it out this week.
- Dan

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