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Synchronizing Binutils and GDB releases

Hi Tristan, Hi Joel,

What do you think to the idea of synchronizing GDB and BINUTILS releases ?

The idea was raised at this year's GNU Tool's Cauldron. It would help users who manage combined toolchain sources. Currently if they want to create a combined tree of specific releases of the gcc, gdb and binutils they have to choose which version of the BFD library to use. But if they find a bug and want to check in a fix, they have to remember that there are actually two versions of the BFD sources to patch. Multiply this by a number of different GDB/BINUTILS release combintations and this becomes a maintenance headache.

If we had a combined release there would be only one branch in the git repository and things would be a lot simpler. We could even extend this idea by arranging for the release to happen slightly before each GCC release. Then GCC version X could could say that it works best with GDB/BINUTILS version Y.


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