FW: FW: strcasestr() patch proposal

Olivier Langlois olivier.langlois@streamtheworld.com
Thu Jun 7 21:20:00 GMT 2007


Good news! The original author granted me the permission to use the file
with the BSD license if his e-mail address is modified. So here is an
updated file. I hope this time, it meets all requirements.

Thank you everyone for all your help. I have never though that contributing
to an Open Source project could be that tricky.

Olivier Langlois

-----Original Message-----
From: buglessrb@gmail.com [mailto:buglessrb@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Stephen
R. van den Berg
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 3:47 PM
To: Olivier Langlois
Cc: digital@joescat.com
Subject: Re: FW: strcasestr() patch proposal

On 6/7/07, Olivier Langlois <olivier.langlois@streamtheworld.com> wrote:
> I wanted to offer an improved version of your work in glibc strcasestr()
> newlib for using it in cygwin but apparently cygwin is not compatible with

> As the original author of that source code, I would like to ask you kindly
> if it would be possible to use your work under a different licensing.

I herewith grant you permission to use the code under a BSD license.
The only condition is that you replace all references to
with <srb+strstr@cuci.nl>
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