go for 2.1

Ulrich Drepper drepper@cygnus.com
Wed Nov 25 11:45:00 GMT 1998


The last (non-technical) problem preventing a glibc 2.1 release is now
gone and we can plan the release freely now.

I'll try to make a new test release today and given the many geeks who
are bored in the upcoming four days without work we might get some
results soon so that we can shoot for a release next week or the other

This is now the time you should speek up if something important is
missing.  I don't count the PIC-SHARED thing since this is only
renaming a variable and introducing optimizations for MIPS.  Given
that MIPS is not really supported anyway (it might compile but isn't
really tested) I don't consider it a loss.

Here is what I understand the current status is.  Please correct me:

- Linux/ix86: compiles, tests ok

- Linux/m68k: compiles, tests ok

- Linux/Alpha: compiles, tests ok

- Linux/PPC: compiles, tests ok

- Linux/ArmELF: compiles, tests ok

- Hurd/ix86: compiles, tests ok

_ Linux/MIPS: ???

- Linux/SPARC: ???

- Linux/SPARC64: ???

Any target I missed?

Please also mention if special gcc/egcs/binutils versions are required.

---------------.      drepper at gnu.org  ,-.   1325 Chesapeake Terrace
Ulrich Drepper  \    ,-------------------'   \  Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA
Cygnus Solutions `--' drepper at cygnus.com   `------------------------

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