Hypergeometric Functions Use

Paul Zimmermann Paul.Zimmermann@inria.fr
Mon May 25 14:36:28 GMT 2020

       Dear Haris,

apart from special cases (gamma, erf, and some Bessel functions), the GNU libc
does not implement hypergeometric functions.

You could have a look at the article [1] below, which compares support for
Hypergeometric Functions among different libraries and programs.

Best regards,
Paul Zimmermann

[1] https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01336266v2/

> From: ΘΕΟΧΑΡΗΣ ΚΟΣΜΑΣ <hkosmas@uoi.gr>
> Date: Sun, 24 May 2020 17:16:40 +0300
> Dear GNU Developer, hallo.
> I hope everything is going well with you and your research team.
> Let me ask you about using GNU to calculate Hypergeometric Functions
> in my linux PC system (for a C language code) and specifically on:
> 1) in which of the sub-packages are they listed
> 2) how should I make a lilk to them through glibc 2.31
> 3) how should I compile (also include commands in the c code).
> Thank you in advance very much
> With my best regards
> Haris
> PS: I was using gsl-2.1 (mostly for gauss-legendre-quadrature)
> ======================================================
> Theocharis S. Kosmas
> Professor
> Theoretical Nuclear & Astronuclear Physics
> University of Ioannina, Department of Physics
> Tel: +302651008489 Fax: +302651008698
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Deputy President of Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society
> Editor of Advances in High Energy Physics
> Editor of Journal "particles" MDPI
> ======================================================

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