[patch] Adjust AT_EXECFN on explicit loader invocation

Paul Pluzhnikov ppluzhnikov@google.com
Mon Nov 18 22:45:00 GMT 2013

On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 8:19 AM, Ondřej Bílka <neleai@seznam.cz> wrote:

> This is quite confusing when stack grows up, a this part will skip a
> AT_NULL auxval

I don't believe that's true. AFAIU, there will still be a NULL entry
between the last envp and the auxv[].

However, I don't have any machines that use strack grows up, so I can't test it.

> and what happens if there is no AT_EXECFN?

The test would fail. Are there any kernels on which glibc works, which
have aux vector, and which do not put AT_EXECFN into it?

Paul Pluzhnikov

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