Documents about NPTL Trace and Test-Coverage

Ian Wienand
Fri Mar 26 05:48:00 GMT 2004

On Thu, Mar 25, 2004 at 12:32:25PM +0100, Tony Reix wrote:
> We are involved in 2 tasks about NPTL:
>   - Complete the testing coverage of NPTL
>   - Provide a trace mechanism for NPTL
> I'd like to know if there is a place in:
>  (? resources.html)
> where we could provide our documents or -at least- provide
> a link to a web-site where they will be available. (We have a web
> site dedicated to OpenSource : )

Sounds to me like there should be a link under "Projects" on the
resources page to your separate site about your work.  If you email me
back with a link to that site I can add it.

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