Documents about NPTL Trace and Test-Coverage
Tony Reix
Thu Mar 25 18:50:00 GMT 2004
We are involved in 2 tasks about NPTL:
- Complete the testing coverage of NPTL
- Provide a trace mechanism for NPTL
We plan to provide several documents in order to get them
reviewed by the community. Also, if we succeed in building
a trace tool for NPTL, we will need a place where the patch
can be downloaded, up to the moment the patch is accepted
and integrated into NPTL. Plus a how-to document.
I'd like to know if there is a place in: (? resources.html)
where we could provide our documents or -at least- provide
a link to a web-site where they will be available. (We have a web
site dedicated to OpenSource : )
Tony Reix
Carpe Diem
Name: Tony Reix
Company: Bull SA : AIX/Linux R&D
Position: System Management & Java Architect
Address: BULL, 1 rue de Provence, BP 208, 38432 Echirolles Cedex, France
Phone 04 76 29 72 67 (France), 33 4 76 29 72 67
Fax: 04 76 29 76 00 (France), 33 4 76 29 76 00
Bull Phone: 229-7267
Bull Address: FREC B1-204 Office: B1-183
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