__GI___isnanl undefined

Peter Barada peter@the-baradas.com
Wed Jul 21 17:30:00 GMT 2004

>I could not trace the reason why i am getting following undefined
>references while building glibc for coldfire v4e. I have ported
>gilbc for coldfire v4e.  
>undefined reference to `__GI___finitel'
>undefined reference to `__GI___isnanl'
>undefined reference to `__GI___isinfl'
>I would appreciate if anyone can point me in some direction so that i
>can find the reason for above. Currently i have configured glibc

Try building glibc for a plain m68k (--target=m68k-linux) and then
grepping through the oject code symbol tables for the missing symbols,
and where you see their defintion, figure out how to mimic that for
your port to the ColdFire v4e...

Peter Barada

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