__GI___isnanl undefined

C Jaiprakash, Noida C.Jaiprakash@noida.hcltech.com
Wed Jul 21 16:47:00 GMT 2004

  I could not trace the reason why i am getting following undefined references while building glibc for coldfire v4e. I have ported gilbc for coldfire v4e. 

undefined reference to `__GI___finitel'
undefined reference to `__GI___isnanl'
undefined reference to `__GI___isinfl'

I would appreciate if anyone can point me in some direction so that i can find the reason for above. Currently i have configured glibc without-tls.

C Jaiprakash

> -----Original Message-----
> From: C Jaiprakash, Noida 
> Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 12:08 PM
> To: 'libc-alpha@sources.redhat.com'
> Cc: C Jaiprakash, Noida; cjaiprakash@noida.hcltech.com
> Subject: New port for ColdFire V4E
> Hi all,
>    I am working on adding new port in glibc for ColdFire V4E. 
> This is required since coldfire v4e has FPU which is 
> different than m68k. Please confirm if anyone else is working on this.
> regards,
> c jaiprakash

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