bring mips*-linux back to a buildable state

Alexandre Oliva
Sat Jul 17 05:31:00 GMT 2004

On Jul  6, 2004, Alexandre Oliva <> wrote:

> These patches gets all 3 ABIs of mips64-linux to build and work again.

Anyone willing to check these in, or something?

Looks like Uli had a power-freak access and decided I'm not worthy of
having CVS write access any more and asked it to be removed on the
overseers list.  No explanation, of course.  Not that I expected one
from such a courteous person :-)

It looks like access wasn't removed yet, but it might very well happen
soon, so I won't offer to check patches in any more, which appears to
be what bothers Uli.  It's odd, I've been getting threats of having
CVS write access removed every time I posted a patch with an `Ok to
install?' lately.  Is anyone else getting this kind of spam?

Alexandre Oliva   
Red Hat Compiler Engineer   aoliva@{,}
Free Software Evangelist  oliva@{,}

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