aio directions...

Andreas Jaeger
Thu Jun 13 22:19:00 GMT 2002

Tom Gall <> writes:

> Greetings,
> As you've probably noticed Amos and I have been a bit busy lately
> with the aio_* portion of glibc. Hopefully you'll all agree that
> a step towards POSIX 1003.1 compliance is a good thing. (By this
> I mean the POSIX 1003.1 standard that was recently ratified this
> past December)

I agree with that and thanks for the work. 

Some of your patches look bogus as pointed out by Ulrich and Roland
already.  For example NULL is not a valid pointer, glibc never checks
for it.

> The next step that we're intending on taking with regards to
> aio is to try and address the performance
> question, pushing a portion of the functionality into the
> kernel.  We also see a need for some "add-on" functions
> since the polling aspects of AIO seem to be rather popular
> to various crowds.

What add-on functions do you need?

 Andreas Jaeger
  SuSE Labs

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