aio directions...

Tom Gall
Thu Jun 13 16:11:00 GMT 2002


As you've probably noticed Amos and I have been a bit busy lately
with the aio_* portion of glibc. Hopefully you'll all agree that
a step towards POSIX 1003.1 compliance is a good thing. (By this
I mean the POSIX 1003.1 standard that was recently ratified this
past December)

The next step that we're intending on taking with regards to
aio is to try and address the performance
question, pushing a portion of the functionality into the
kernel.  We also see a need for some "add-on" functions
since the polling aspects of AIO seem to be rather popular
to various crowds.

Anyone have any opinions in these areas?


Tom & Amos

Tom Gall - PPC64, PPC, Embedded  "Where's the ka-boom? There was
Linux Technology Center           supposed to be an earth
(w)         shattering ka-boom!"
(w) 507-253-4558                 -- Marvin Martian

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