[PATCH] C99 initializers for stdlib/random.c
Art Haas
Sun Dec 15 17:37:00 GMT 2002
Another C99 conversion patch.
2002-12-15 Art Haas <ahaas@airmail.net>
* stdlib/random.c: Convert to C99 initializers.
Index: stdlib/random.c
RCS file: /cvs/glibc/libc/stdlib/random.c,v
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -r1.17 random.c
--- stdlib/random.c 6 Jul 2002 06:35:55 -0000 1.17
+++ stdlib/random.c 16 Dec 2002 01:35:59 -0000
@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@
in the initialization of randtbl) because the state table pointer is set
to point to randtbl[1] (as explained below).) */
- fptr : &randtbl[SEP_3 + 1],
- rptr : &randtbl[1],
+ .fptr = &randtbl[SEP_3 + 1],
+ .rptr = &randtbl[1],
/* The following things are the pointer to the state information table,
the type of the current generator, the degree of the current polynomial
@@ -183,13 +183,13 @@
indexing every time to find the address of the last element to see if
the front and rear pointers have wrapped. */
- state : &randtbl[1],
+ .state = &randtbl[1],
- rand_type : TYPE_3,
- rand_deg : DEG_3,
- rand_sep : SEP_3,
+ .rand_type = TYPE_3,
+ .rand_deg = DEG_3,
+ .rand_sep = SEP_3,
- end_ptr : &randtbl[sizeof (randtbl) / sizeof (randtbl[0])]
+ .end_ptr = &randtbl[sizeof (randtbl) / sizeof (randtbl[0])]
/* POSIX.1c requires that there is mutual exclusion for the `rand' and
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759
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