[PATCH] C99 initializers for stdio-common/vfprintf.c
Art Haas
Sun Dec 15 17:39:00 GMT 2002
The last C99 initializer patch for a while.
2002-12-15 Art Haas <ahaas@airmail.net>
* stdio-common/vfprintf.c: Convert to C99 initializers.
Index: stdio-common/vfprintf.c
RCS file: /cvs/glibc/libc/stdio-common/vfprintf.c,v
retrieving revision 1.115
diff -u -r1.115 vfprintf.c
--- stdio-common/vfprintf.c 9 Oct 2002 09:18:51 -0000 1.115
+++ stdio-common/vfprintf.c 16 Dec 2002 01:37:53 -0000
@@ -806,20 +806,20 @@
if (fspec == NULL) \
{ \
- struct printf_info info = { prec: prec, \
- width: width, \
- spec: spec, \
- is_long_double: is_long_double, \
- is_short: is_short, \
- is_long: is_long, \
- alt: alt, \
- space: space, \
- left: left, \
- showsign: showsign, \
- group: group, \
- pad: pad, \
- extra: 0, \
- wide: sizeof (CHAR_T) != 1 }; \
+ struct printf_info info = { .prec = prec, \
+ .width = width, \
+ .spec = spec, \
+ .is_long_double = is_long_double, \
+ .is_short = is_short, \
+ .is_long = is_long, \
+ .alt = alt, \
+ .space = space, \
+ .left = left, \
+ .showsign = showsign, \
+ .group = group, \
+ .pad = pad, \
+ .extra = 0, \
+ .wide = sizeof (CHAR_T) != 1 }; \
if (is_long_double) \
the_arg.pa_long_double = va_arg (ap, long double); \
@@ -855,20 +855,20 @@
if (fspec == NULL) \
{ \
- struct printf_info info = { prec: prec, \
- width: width, \
- spec: spec, \
- is_long_double: is_long_double, \
- is_short: is_short, \
- is_long: is_long, \
- alt: alt, \
- space: space, \
- left: left, \
- showsign: showsign, \
- group: group, \
- pad: pad, \
- extra: 0, \
- wide: sizeof (CHAR_T) != 1 }; \
+ struct printf_info info = { .prec = prec, \
+ .width = width, \
+ .spec = spec, \
+ .is_long_double = is_long_double, \
+ .is_short = is_short, \
+ .is_long = is_long, \
+ .alt = alt, \
+ .space = space, \
+ .left = left, \
+ .showsign = showsign, \
+ .group = group, \
+ .pad = pad, \
+ .extra = 0, \
+ .wide = sizeof (CHAR_T) != 1 }; \
if (is_long_double) \
the_arg.pa_long_double = va_arg (ap, long double); \
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759
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