experimental partial Kawa Makefile flattening

Charles Turner chturne@gmail.com
Sun Jun 16 22:09:00 GMT 2013

Great, I'm pleased to see this changed :-)

Extending the Ant support to being able to run the testsuite seems
like a good project as well. I hope to get around to this someday, but
if anyone else feels like taking a shot at it, I think it would be a
valuable contribution.


On 16 June 2013 22:56, Per Bothner <per@bothner.com> wrote:
> It is said that recursive Makefiles are bad.  For Kawa
> it makes compilation slower - and even make clean is slower.
> So as a preliminary experiment, I removed Makefile.am (and
> Makefile.in) from kawa/lang and kawa/standard, and merged
> the definitions into kawa/Makefile.am.
> Seems to work fine.  Let me know if you notice any weirdness.
> Later, I'll probably remove more Makefiles.
> I'm also thinking that maybe we should drop use of automake,
> and instead use GNU make features, but that's a bigger project.
> (I figure people who can't use GNU make can use Ant.)
> --
>         --Per Bothner
> per@bothner.com   http://per.bothner.com/

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