experimental partial Kawa Makefile flattening

Per Bothner per@bothner.com
Sun Jun 16 21:57:00 GMT 2013

It is said that recursive Makefiles are bad.  For Kawa
it makes compilation slower - and even make clean is slower.

So as a preliminary experiment, I removed Makefile.am (and
Makefile.in) from kawa/lang and kawa/standard, and merged
the definitions into kawa/Makefile.am.

Seems to work fine.  Let me know if you notice any weirdness.

Later, I'll probably remove more Makefiles.

I'm also thinking that maybe we should drop use of automake,
and instead use GNU make features, but that's a bigger project.
(I figure people who can't use GNU make can use Ant.)
	--Per Bothner
per@bothner.com   http://per.bothner.com/

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