Facing challenge in making some changes in GDB for my personal project
Ruslan Kabatsayev
Mon Aug 5 09:43:00 GMT 2019
On Sun, 4 Aug 2019 at 19:14, krishnan gosakan
<krishnan.gosakan@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> This is my first message in this mailing group. I am pretty new to gdb code
> base. I am thinking of implementing something similar to findcrypt in IDA
> pro in GDB. I first tried to script it in python but it took so long that
> it is impractical. So, I decided to get the GDB source and make a few
> modifications such that I can add a new command(like run,step etc..) which
> does the same.
> This command has two parts: It should do a single step execution. After
> each step, I should disassemble the current instruction and find if any
> crypto constants are used.
> I am facing difficulty in disassembling the instructions. As far as I
> analysed the source code, there is no option for returning the disassembled
> information as some kind of object to caller. All that is available is
> functions which can print the disassembled instruction. So, I would like to
> know how I could get the disassembled instruction as some kind of object,
> which I can use for future analysis.
I'm afraid binutils' disassembler doesn't provide such in-depth
information on the instructions as their operands, affected registers
etc.: it can only format the disassembly string.
I suggest you to try a specialized disassembler like e.g. Capstone [1]
to do the analysis. I have actually used it to implement some
instruction analysis in another debugger (EDB) and, although some
quirks are sometimes required, Capstone does do its job generally.
[1]: https://github.com/aquynh/capstone
> Thank you in advance for any help.
> Regards,
> G.Krishnan.
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