GDB, microcontroller ISS and HDL simulator

Seb Astien
Mon Sep 8 19:24:00 GMT 2008

Hi all,

I am not sure that this mailing list is the correct one, so sorry if I
bother you.

I have a newbie question, but I didn't find the answer on Internet.

Here is my problem.
I am working with a small custom microcontroller (8-bits), which is
not supported by gdb, and I would like to know if it is possible to
use gdb as a debbugger (and how).

In the details I would like to connect a ISS to gdb (or gdb shall be
changed to understand the instruction set of the microcontroller?). On
the other end the ISS is connected with the HDL simulator for the
interaction with the peripherals.

I have seen that gdb can be "contacted" through TCP/IP, but I didn't
know how, neither how I can explain to gdb what are the registers, how
(and who throught the ISS and GDB) to give the instruction on both
I would be very happy with some how-to/examples/documentation



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