[Gdb] removing src/dejagnu, src/expect

Michael Elizabeth Chastain mec.gnu@mindspring.com
Mon Jun 7 21:58:00 GMT 2004

Jim Ingham writes:
> I just reran the gdb testsuite - on the Apple gdb but this shouldn't 
> make much difference - with the Expect 5.38 from the SourceForge 
> sources, and with Tcl 8.4.4, also from SourceForge, and I didn't see 
> any new failures compared with the expect & tcl from src/.

I've done a similar comparison with the gdb testsuite on native
i686-pc-linux-gnu, (red hat 8.0, LANG=en_US.UTF-8), and the results
came out the same.  I've been using the released versions of
tcl+expect+dejagnu for 2.5 years now.

That's just gdb experience though.

I'm okay with shooting first and fixing problems later.

Michael C

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