Inclusion of FORTRAN95 testsuite into GDB?

Fernando Nasser
Tue Aug 13 15:03:00 GMT 2002

(adding the list)

Petr Sorfa wrote:
> > 3) Are there any objections in the mailing list?
> I think you'll need to forward/CC this to the mailing list.

Well, nobody complained so far (I don't see why they should).

We will have to work a little bit on the part where you test for 
the right architecture and looks for the compiler etc.
BTW, puts is not the right way to display messages.  

Also there is a DejaGNU function called target_compile that you should
use for compiling your test programs (feed it with compiler=ifc or efc).
The right way of doing it would be through gdb_compile.  I may have to
fix something for you to use it, but that would be better than calling
the target_compile one directly.  As Michael said, it would be nice to
have the environment variable to set the compiler to something 
different than the default (which will have to be g95 eventually).

And we may have remote targets (things that run on boards) with an Intel
architecture (these things use cross compilers).  The way you are
testing for the architecture, you are only testing that the host you are 
running is of a certain  architecture, not the target.  Check around for
similar tests (look in the testsuite/lib files).  Anyway, these Intel 
compilers are native only, right?


Fernando Nasser
Red Hat Canada Ltd.                     E-Mail:
2323 Yonge Street, Suite #300
Toronto, Ontario   M4P 2C9

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