RFA: Separate i386 embed targets configuration

Mark Kettenis kettenis@wins.uva.nl
Fri Jun 9 15:44:00 GMT 2000

   Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 17:36:51 +0000
   From: Fernando Nasser <fnasser@cygnus.com>

   "J.T. Conklin" wrote:
   > I suggested a i386/tm-embed.h some months ago.  I didn't really have
   > anything to put in it at the time, it was more for the clarification
   > of a separate target config would bring than for anything else.  As I
   > remember, the change was neither accepted or rejected.  I put it into
   > our repository and forgot about it.


   > What does your tm-embed.h file look like?

   The initial version, like yours, just includes tm-i386v.h.  But I have in
   my sandbox a few entries which I plan to submit in the future.

Fernando, go ahead and check in the patch, together with your
tm-embed.h that hust includes tm-i386v.h (we want to keep those
targets building :-)).

However, do i386-elf, i386-coff and i386-aout really have something to
do with System V?  If not, it might be worth considering to include
tm-i386.h instead of tm-i386v.h from your new tm-embed.h once you
start modifying it.


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