[ECOS] Re: "PANIC: zinit: Out of memory" when num sockets increased to 64

Grant Edwards grante@visi.com
Wed Apr 9 08:20:00 GMT 2008

On 2008-04-08, Andrew Lunn <andrew@lunn.ch> wrote:
>> So there's well over 15MB of unallocated RAM. That seems like
>> more than enough RAM to handle 64 sockets.
>> Why am I getting a panic on startup?
> The network stack has its own memory pool. See

I increased CYGPKG_NET_MEM_USAGE, and that fixed the problem.
The default value is (256*1024)+(CYGPKG_NET_MAXSOCKETS*1024)
What initially mislead me into thinking I should leave that
alone when I increased the number of sockets was the

   Memory designated for networking buffers. This option
   controls the amount of memory pre-allocated for buffers used
   by the networking code.  The number is an upper limit, with
   at least enough space to get the stack initialized.

My reading of that is that (256*1024)+(CYGPKG_NET_MAXSOCKETS*1024)
is an upper bound on what's required for the stack to be
initialized. Apparently it isn't.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! Vote for ME -- I'm
                                  at               well-tapered, half-cocked,
                               visi.com            ill-conceived and

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