[ECOS] need help with console i/o

agyhoo agyhoo@yahoo.com
Fri Jun 25 22:04:00 GMT 2004


I am using an A&M rattler board that has 2 serial ports
SMC1 and SCC1. I am using SMC1 as my console device.

I configured /dev/ser1 with the necessary settings and
mapped my console driver "/dev/tty0" to the "/dev/ser1"
serial driver. I also set the console device to "/dev/tty0"
for the ISO C library I/O fns.

I also selected the "inherit console settings" option under
ROM monitor support.

In the Redboot configuration my diagnostic and debug
channels are both set to SMC1.

Now, in my application "main" routine (I am using POSIX and
ISO C library), I am spawning 3-4 pthreads. I use printfs
to print out info about threads being spawned. The threads
include my own version of the dhcp mgmt thread, snmp agent
thread and a telnet server thread.

I notice that my console output is erratic at best.
SOmetimes, I get the letters jumbled, sometimes not. If my
output is verbose, everything locks up (I am not able to
ping the target or anything). If I download application via
GDB, the console output is dumped on GDB console and seems
to behave better.

Another interesting observation is that if I start my
application with the ethernet port unplugged, I am
guaranteed to lock up my application. If I replace my
printfs with diag_printfs, this doesn't happen.

I know that the /dev/ser1 driver is an interrupt driven
driver. Could there be some issues with the initialization
sequence and interrupts being enabled in a timely manner?
Is the scheduler enabled before the main thread is invoked?

Another possibility is that the hal diag serial driver and
the /dev/tty0 driver are clashing trying to access the same
device...would this cause a lockup?

This problem has kept cropping up and going away for a
while now...I would really appreciate any help so that I
can resolve it once and for all.


- Anunoy

PS> I am using fairly current CVS sources (checked out
about a couple of weeks ago)

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