[ECOS] TCP/IP Package Installation questions

Paul Randall prandall@delta-info.com
Wed Feb 13 13:33:00 GMT 2002

Hi All,

I have tried to add the TCP/IP package to eCos in two different ways and
have been unsuccessful both times.  I am running Windows 98 using

First, I tried downloading the net-1.0b1.epk file.  I downloaded it and
copied it to c:\temp on my hard drive but when I tried to add the
package with the Package Administration Tool, I get the following error:

Command execution error:
extracting pkgadd.db:
couldn't execute "gunzip": no such file or directory

I have gunzip in my c:\cygwin\bin directory but the Package
Administration Tool can't find it.

I also read that the TCP/IP package could be checked out from the
anonymous cvs repository so I tried a cvs login from the cygwin bash
shell which failed as follows:

$ cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@sources.redhat.com:/cvs/ecos login
(Logging in to anoncvs@sources.redhat.com)
CVS password:
cvs [login aborted]: connect to sources.redhat.com:2401 failed:
Connection refused

Any suggestions?

Paul Randall
Delta Information Systems

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