Why didn't a Cygwin install create the default dot files?

David Karr davidmichaelkarr@gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 17:20:51 GMT 2020

I've been using Cygwin for a long time. I haven't run a fresh install for
quite a while.

A colleague just installed Cygwin for the first time, following my basic
instructions. He ended up with his Cygwin home being the same as his
Windows home, which is different from my setup, but I think that's fine.
What seems odd is that he didn't get the default dot files created, being
.profile, .bash_profile, and .bashrc.  I don't even remember whether this
happened the first time I set it up.  In any case, I handed him my dot
files to template from, but I was curious about that process.

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