ERROR: There was a serious problem creating a privileged user.

Nuzhna Pomoshch via cygwin
Sun May 27 08:22:00 GMT 2018

On 2018-05-22 20:21:50 Brian Inglis <> wrote:
>On 2018-05-22 09:24, Nuzhna Pomoshch via cygwin wrote:
>> On Tue, 5/22/18, Marco Atzeri <> wrote:
>> On 5/21/2018 11:53 PM, Nuzhna Pomoshch via cygwin wrote:
>>>> Trying to configure ssh.
>>>> Followed guides found on the internet (pretty much all the same).
>>>> The problem comes when the script tries to create the user:
>>>> *** Query: Create new privileged user account 'HOST\cyg_server' (Cygwin name 'host cyg_server')? (yes/no) yes
>>>> *** Info: Please enter a password for new user host+cyg_server. Please be sure
>>>> *** Info: that this password matches the password rules given on your system.
>>>> *** Info: Entering no password will exit the configuration.
>>>> *** Query: Please enter the password:
>>>> *** Query: Reenter:
>>>> *** Info: User 'host+cyg_server' has been created with password 'password'.
>>>> *** Info: If you change the password, please remember also to change the
>>>> *** Info: password for the installed services which use (or will soon use)
>>>> *** Info: the 'host+cyg_server' account.
>>>> passwd: unknown user host+cyg_server
>>>> *** Warning: Setting password expiry for user 'host+cyg_server' failed!
>>>> *** Warning: Please check that password never expires or set it ot your needs.
>>>> No user or group 'host+cyg_server known.
>>>> *** Warning: Assigning the appropriate privileges to user 'host+cyg_server' failed!
>>>> *** ERROR: There was a serious problem creating a privileged user.
>>>> *** Query: Do you want ot proceed anyway? (yes/no)
>>> It seems you miss the needed permission.
>>> Has your user admin privilege on the 'host' ?
>>> what system is ?
>> Yes, I ran the cygwin shell as administrator, and I
>> noticed (since it was the first time I had done that)
>> all of the files created in the home directory.
>> The system is Windows 7, 64-bit.
> Try setting up the cygserver service and creating the account with
> /bin/cygserver-config before setting up sshd with /bin/ssh-host-config.
> If you're going to run Cygwin services, multiple sessions, or many processes,
> especially in a domain, cygserver reduces the overhead.
> If you still have problems, run cygcheck -hrsv and attach the output to a reply post.

That didn't work... the first time, but when I retried it, it did.
And strangely enough (I had to reinstall Windows and cygwin), the
exact same behavior occurred after the reinstallation (after running
cygserver-config, ssh-host-config failed the first time, and worked
the second time.

Thank you very much.

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