du core dump if run on directory being deleted?

Dan Kegel dank@kegel.com
Tue May 22 06:59:00 GMT 2018

Hi!  Given a rather large directory build.deleteme, doing
  rmdir /s /q build.deleteme
in a CMD window, and then doing
  du build.deleteme
in a cygwin window, seems to result in a reproducible crash;
at least, it happened the two times I tried it :-)

Log of the cygwin window:

buildbot@rbb-win10-1 /cygdrive/c/builds/xxxxx
$ du build.deleteme
du: cannot access
No such file or directory
Aborted (core dumped)

buildbot@rbb-win10-1 /cygdrive/c/builds/xxxxx
$ du build.deleteme
0       build.deleteme/src/third_party/pdfium/testing/resources
4       build.deleteme/src/third_party/pdfium/testing
8       build.deleteme/src/third_party/pdfium
4       build.deleteme/src/third_party/perl/perl/lib/Module
du: cannot access
'build.deleteme/src/third_party/perl/perl/lib/mro.pm': No such file or
du: cannot access
'build.deleteme/src/third_party/perl/perl/lib/NDBM_File.pm': No such
file or directory
0       build.deleteme/src/third_party/perl/perl/lib/Net/FTP
du: cannot access
'build.deleteme/src/third_party/perl/perl/lib/Net/netent.pm': No such
file or directory
du: cannot access
'build.deleteme/src/third_party/perl/perl/lib/Net/Netrc.pm': No such
file or directory
du: cannot access
'build.deleteme/src/third_party/perl/perl/lib/Net/NNTP.pm': No such
file or directory
du: cannot access
'build.deleteme/src/third_party/perl/perl/lib/Net/Ping.pm': No such
file or directory
Aborted (core dumped)

Here are du.exe.stackdump and cygcheck.out.

FWIW, this was a few minutes after rebooting to turn off windows defender.
- Dan
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