Emacs silently fails to run after last cygwin update

Christopher Faylor cgf-use-the-mailinglist-please@cygwin.com
Sun Feb 17 18:36:00 GMT 2013

On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 01:29:22PM -0500, Bryan M. Kramer wrote:
>I upgraded cygwin on both an XP and a Windows 7 box this week. In both 
>cases, the x windows version of emacs fails to start. In both cases the 
>X server is cygwin X running on the windows 7 box). I have tried 
>reinstalls on most of my cygwin  packages on both hosts to no avail. 
>emacs-nox does run normally and reports version 24.2.1. "emacs -q" makes 
>no difference. No error is reported on the console. I have gdb on the 
>windows box - trying to run emacs gives a
>> During startup program exited with code 0xc0000013.


>Downgrading emacs and emacs-x11 to  23.2.9  doesn't help.
>Several internet searches and forum searches have not revealed anyone 
>else having this problem.
>Does anyone know what the solution might be?

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