Slow/sluggish response ("system" task at 50%)

Larry Hall (Cygwin)
Wed Jun 24 23:06:00 GMT 2009

Edward Lam wrote:
> Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
>  > Interesting.  I'm not sure why using Cygwin's 'make' would slow things
>  > down dramatically when running from a Cygwin terminal or shell.  I can
> Note that cygwin's make is just plain slower that mingw's make to begin 
> with. I'm not quite sure I can explain the ~25 times speed difference 
> that Gene experiences but I can definitely vouch for at least a ~7 times 
> speed difference (which I think it primarily due to forking).
> Here's a speed test taken from an old thread on the cygwin mailing list. 
> I did this test just right now with virtually no CPU usage on the same 
> machine (WinXP SP2 x64, Intel Core i7 2.66 GHz):
> $ uname -a
> MINGW32_NT-5.2 SEOUL 1.0.11(0.46/3/2) 2009-05-23 19:33 i686 Msys
> $ time -p for ((i=1; i<100; i++)); do var=$(echo $i | tr [a-z] [A-Z]); done

Sure, we all know that Cygwin provides Linux emulation and suffers some
overhead for it.  But timings from an individual machine can be misleading.
Running this through multiple times for both Mingw and Cygwin 1.7 on my
similarly equipped machine, I see Cygwin is somewhere between 1.7 and 2.25
times slower.  Whether yours or my result is more typical, I can't say.
But as you noted, neither data set provides much justification for the
results reported.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.                          (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746


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