Cygwin connection closing running on Server 2003

Larry Hall (Cygwin)
Thu Nov 24 09:30:00 GMT 2005

On 11/23/2005, Jack Romano wrote:
> I am running Cygwin 1.5.18 on Windows Sever 2003 with all current updates. 
> My problem pertains to OpenSSH 4.2p1-1. I ran the setup script for OpenSSH 
> and used the tool to import my Windows users. I am able to connect to the 
> server both locally and from other machine and am prompted for my password. 
> When I give an erroneous password I am told so. When I give a correct 
> password I am given the "Last Login:..." message (which is correct) but 
> then immediatly "Connection to localhost closed." (localhost replaced by 
> the server name when not connecting locally) and an error 255. This happens 
> for all users (including the Administrator user) and locally and remotely. 
> I have noticed that if after I submit my password I start tapping keys 
> quickly the connection stays open untill I stop -- even for a fraction of a 
> second. I have reinstalled OpenSSH and then Cygwin to no avail.
> I have attached the verbose output of the ssh connection to the server. The 
> OpenSSH log does not log this failure.
> Any insight would be appreciated. 

I have a vague recollection of folks having problems like this when they
didn't have correct permissions on their login directory.  You might check
this.  If you can't find the problem this way, try turning off "StrictModes"
in '/etc/sshd_config'

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746

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