Cygwin connection closing running on Server 2003

Corinna Vinschen
Thu Nov 24 11:39:00 GMT 2005

On Nov 23 22:21, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
> On 11/23/2005, Jack Romano wrote:
> >I am running Cygwin 1.5.18 on Windows Sever 2003 with all current updates. 
> >My problem pertains to OpenSSH 4.2p1-1. I ran the setup script for OpenSSH 
> >and used the tool to import my Windows users. I am able to connect to the 
> >server both locally and from other machine and am prompted for my 
> >password. When I give an erroneous password I am told so. When I give a 
> >correct password I am given the "Last Login:..." message (which is 
> >correct) but then immediatly "Connection to localhost closed." (localhost 
> >replaced by the server name when not connecting locally) and an error 255. 
> >This happens for all users (including the Administrator user) and locally 
> >and remotely. I have noticed that if after I submit my password I start 
> >tapping keys quickly the connection stays open untill I stop -- even for a 
> >fraction of a second. I have reinstalled OpenSSH and then Cygwin to no 
> >avail.
> >
> >I have attached the verbose output of the ssh connection to the server. 
> >The OpenSSH log does not log this failure.
> >
> >Any insight would be appreciated. 
> I have a vague recollection of folks having problems like this when they
> didn't have correct permissions on their login directory.  You might check
> this.  If you can't find the problem this way, try turning off "StrictModes"
> in '/etc/sshd_config'

Before you do that, try running ssh-user-config for each user having
this problem.  ssh-user-config tries to create correct permissions so
that sshd can access everything.  But as usual, YMMV.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat, Inc.

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