Where do I send comments/suggestions?

Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc) lhall@rfk.com
Thu Jun 21 14:10:00 GMT 2001

At 03:30 PM 6/21/2001, Jeff Sadowski wrote:
>It would be nice if I saw an option to download
>on cygwin's main page I found where to go
>after diging around through the links for some time.
>I don't have an internet connection at home so installing
>from the net is out of the question.
>I found a link by looking at Xfree86 for cygwin and going to
>there link of downloading the source then I backed up
>to the directory ftp://mirrors.rcn.net/pub/sourceware/cygwin/
>then I went into the latest directory and downloaded the packages
>I wanted. I found it dificult to find this.

Running setup from the cygwin home page (www.cygwin.com) does not
preclude the possibility of downloading the packages and installing
them from your disk.  You should also notice the list of mirror sites
under the "Mirror Sites" link on the Cygwin home page.  The site you 
found is listed there.

Larry Hall                              lhall@rfk.com
RFK Partners, Inc.                      http://www.rfk.com
118 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
Holliston, MA 01746                     (508) 893-9889 - FAX

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