[BASH] Backtick problem still NOTsolved!! (Win95b/CW1.1.4)

Andreas Eibach a.eibach@gmx.net
Mon Sep 25 05:09:00 GMT 2000

> Sounds as if you have a problem with the backtick...

> So your description is loud and clear:
That's what it supposed to be.
I don't like long  descriptions at all but this was a must because
otherwise I would've gotten these wonderful tips like
"please note  that you must press space after the backtick" ;))))

> however, I'm missing some details here:
> - Did you try to enter ` while executing Cygwin's "cat" on the command
>   line?

Yes. Doesn't work either. No backtick.

> - Did you try to enter ` while executing a native Cygwin editor (vim)
>   instead of using a native Windows editor?

Yes. Doesn't work either. No backtick in Cygwin vim. Unfortunately.

I think/hope this may trigger some logical process now.
>("it's this, but not that...")

> These tests would be able to show if it's a problem in Cygwin or
> in bash.

> - Did you try to _debug_ the problem?
Not yet.

>   Gdb and strace are part of the distro. And it's even better: It's
>   GPL'd software and all(!) sources are available so you will be able
>   to figure the problem and send a patch which might help thousands of
>   people!!!

Fine saying, Corinna - but maybe this goes beyond my programming abilities?
Think about that. I know C but I'm not a guru to find out this problem.
Looking at the code, this is quite sophisticated stuff - to say it clearly.

 some additional info I've got here (maybe useful,  maybe not) :)

$ bash  -version
GNU bash, version 2.04.0(1)-release (i586-pc-cygwin)
Copyright 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Note 2: this "complaining style" is not my usual one.
I only use this if people keep answering "read the docs. this is a faq. read
the docs
and you'll get it working." _despite_ having a different Windows than me as
it turns
out in the end! This happened to often regarding the backtick problem.
_Not with me_, but with third-party people whose postings I also read -
that is.

No, I'm quite too experienced to complain about a thing that can be fixed in
a blink
of an eye. This is a *real* problem *in* the code and not able to be fixed
just by
"correct settings"
in bash.

HOWEVER: I can say the backticks worked in older _B20_ with
the --noediting option:

[B20] $ bash --noediting
[B20] $ ééééé

However this workaround does NOT  work in current Cygwin release.

I'm always feeling embarrassed shouting out loud "_Cygwin_ _Bug_ _Found_!"
it turns out to be just my non-ability of configuring things properly. But
this time I'm
absolutely sure. This _is_ a missing thing.

And: note that it WORKS FINE on the machines of WinNT users here!
This minimizes the chance of being  able to fix it  myself.

So  ... enough the rambling ;)
I hope every fog has lifted now - thanks for reading :)


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