[BASH] Backtick problem still NOTsolved!! (Win95b/CW1.1.4)

Corinna Vinschen vinschen@cygnus.com
Mon Sep 25 02:00:00 GMT 2000

Andreas Eibach wrote:
> after trying and trying, I MUST be sure this _is_ a bug in Cygwin!!
> Despite trying all the things I read here, the problem PERSISTS!
>  - Win95 b (and NOT WindowsNT, where Joerg Schaible reported that it
> *does*work there,
>  so it's a Win9x-only (Win95-only?) problem!)
>  - Cygwin 1.1.4
>  - GERMAN Keyboard layout
> [...most repetitions deleted...]
> So don't tell me this works.
> And I'm talking about  W  i  n  d  o  w  s     9 5  b   and not WinNT!
> So please don't tell me it works in WinNT - I believe you but it's no use
> for me!
> I only want _Win9x_ users to report if it works with a German keyboard!
> Heck, this needs a fix!

Sounds as if you have a problem with the backtick...

So your description is loud and clear: you're not a beginner but,
however, I'm missing some details here:

- Did you try to enter ` while executing Cygwin's "cat" on the command

- Did you try to enter ` while executing a native Cygwin editor (vim)
  instead of using a native Windows editor?

These tests would be able to show if it's a problem in Cygwin or
in bash.

But most important:

- Did you try to _debug_ the problem?
  Gdb and strace are part of the distro. And it's even better: It's
  GPL'd software and all(!) sources are available so you will be able
  to figure the problem and send a patch which might help thousands of
  people!!! This is even better than just complaining.

Isn't open source software wonderful?


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developer                        mailto:cygwin@sources.redhat.com
Red Hat, Inc.

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