Win-MySQL libs??

Alberto Corbí Bellot
Sat Oct 9 10:28:00 GMT 1999

Hi, CygWin Users! This Alberto Corbi, a Spanish student of physics. 
I've been using cygwin-WinGcc for a few days and I'm very interested in
I've doing some tricks in importing Linux Apps to Windows using GTK+ an so
with succes. Now I was interested in using the shareware version of MySQL
for Windows. This version includes a dameon server and a small client
works Ok in the CygWin bash. It also has a include file and a *.lib and a
*.dll library son that you can link your own software with the server. And
now the problem: what we have is a *.lib library instead the common gcc

What can I do to obtain a *.a? Has anybody done it before? I do not have
idea of what to do... I'm new in Win programming, so I would appreciate
help comming from anywere. I can even send you the *.lib file and the
include file to rebuild the library to a *.a one if that helps. 

Please, reply to my mail adress. Thank you beforehand.

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