Resizing problem

Larry Hall (Cygwin X)
Fri Jul 16 15:55:00 GMT 2010

On 7/16/2010 10:39 AM, Olwe Melwasul wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 8:50 AM, Jon TURNEY<>  wrote:
<>.  Thanks.

>> On 15/07/2010 18:02, Olwe Melwasul wrote:
>>> I installed cygwin/xcygwin 1.7.5 with KDE.
>> I don't know where you got KDE from, but it's not in the standard cygwin
>> distribution.  If you have problems with KDE, perhaps you should try the
>> place you got it from.


> I'm not your typical "newbie from hell," and if I'm having this level
> of trouble with cygwin/Xcygwin "out of the box," let that be a
> barometer that your product lacks proper documentation. After all, how
> many "casual Windows users curious about GNU/Linux" who found Xcygwin
> not working out of the box (still not working after reading your
> spotty Xcygwin user's guide) would have Googled around for a solution?
> I found the "rebase all" and it worked. Why? I still don't know. But
> do you expect a real beginner to have gone to those lengths? As for
> where I got my distro, I chose the ucalgary mirror because it's one of
> the closest to me here in Minnesota. If the ucalgary mirror is dealing
> bad source, is that my fault?

No but I just checked the calgary mirror and it contains only some qt3 and
qt4 packages, albeit under the heading of KDE.  Still, there is no KDE
window manager or other goodies there so if you really have KDE installed
(which is available from <>), you didn't
get it from the Cygwin distribution, which is the main thing that Jon was
pointing out.  While you can't be held responsible for the state of software
found on some mirror, it's also not fair to hold the Cygwin community
responsible for software that it doesn't distribute.  You want to go to the
source for support in the case of packages that are outside the Cygwin

Your issue requiring rebase is a known one.  Unfortunately, it's hard to fix
and it's not possible to predict which installations will have problems
(though typically those with more packages and those containing packages
from other sources will likely have more trouble).  This isn't just a
Cygwin-X issue though.  It's a Cygwin issue in general.  Anyway, I'm
just clarifying some about what you saw rather than providing any silver
bullets to address it.  We're still looking for those silver bullets.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.                          (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746


A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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