C++ exception problems in mingw cross compiler

Brian Dessent brian@dessent.net
Mon Sep 18 22:48:00 GMT 2006

Toralf Lund wrote:

> After testing some more, I've concluded that the problem only occurs
> when the application (or possibly another DLL) tries to catch an
> exception thrown by a DLL. Based on info on the Web, it seems like this
> isn't entirely unexpected. I'm not quite able to find a good workaround,
> though. Any help would (still) be appreciated.

The mingw gcc sources contain patches to fix this and other things.  If
you are using vanilla FSF sources then you are probably lacking them. 
Try building your toolchain with the gcc sources from mingw.org, as
exceptions across DLLs should work fine (assuming you are using SJLJ and
not DW2 -- if that is the case all bets are off as to things working.)

I'm not sure why these patches never made it upstream, but I recall
Danny saying that he tried many times and then gave up.


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