Binary crosscompiler packages made from crosstool output

Martin Guy
Mon May 22 16:44:00 GMT 2006

I've cobbled together a couple of scripts (attached) to make
installable binary packages from crosstool output: either tarballs or
Debian packages. They slurp up the tree from under /opt/crosstool/*/*
or wherever, remove cruft and anything that would conflict with
existing system files, and package it to install under /usr.  All
installed files either start with (eg) arm-blah-linux-gnu or are under
directories of the same name so they shouldn't conflict with anything

One script,, makes a tarball suitable for Slackware or
for simply untarring under / while the other,, runs that and
uses "alien" to remunge the tarball into an adhoc Debian package. See
the first few lines of each script to know how to use them.

There is an example of its output for x86->arm-gnueabi, that includes
gcc, g++ and gdb, under
In this I have set the "vendor" field of the gnu arch to "crosstool"
so that it can coexist with toolchains from elsewhere, giving programs
called "arm-crosstool-linux-gnueabi-gcc" and so on.
If anyone is in a position to test toolchains targetting other
processors, I am happy to build the latest-known-working-version and
put it up there too.

 This is pre-alpha software (ie written yesterday, preened today and
"seems to work for me" :)  If anyone else finds it useful or can
suggest improvements, I'd be pleased to hear.

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