Strange problem building GCC under crosstool

Ken Rose
Mon Jul 19 18:20:00 GMT 2004

Dan Kegel wrote:
  > I can't reproduce here on my Red Hat 9.0 system.
> I wonder if something's funny with yours.  Could you
> perhaps set up a second, fresh, red hat 9.0 system
> and see if the problem still happens there?

It has a number of quirks.  They started when I was letting RedHat 
update the thing a couple of years ago.  I had hoped the upgrade to 9.0 
would cure it, but alas...

> Alternately, I can send you a build log, and you can
> compare...

Unfortunately, I don't have a system I can do that with, so if you 
wouldn't mind sending a log, maybe I can straighten things out.


  - ken

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