gdb and jtag

William A. Gatliff
Tue Nov 5 08:19:00 GMT 2002


On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 08:09:33AM -0800, Doug Evans wrote:
> That's certainly another way to go.
> Question: Why choose one over the other?
> Futzing with gdb sources means gdb is talking directly to
> the board and therefore is much easier to debug (when things aren't
> working) (and by "debug" here I mean debug the gdb/target connection).

Note that I've never used rproxy, but it's On My List Of Things To Get
To (tm).

The main reason I find the rproxy approach appealing is because it
doesn't tie you to a particular version of gdb.  I know that gdb
internals have been stable for some time, as has the RSP, but I *hate*
patching the stock GNU sources because then I have a one-off that *I*
have to distribute and keep up to date while the gdb developers charge
relentlessly into the future, or wherever they're headed.  :^)

The rproxy code base is smaller, I'd rather deal with the headache of
keeping *that* up to date.  And I like the "distributed" nature of
rproxy, since I don't always run under Linux (ditto for a lot of the
people I work with).

OT, but that's one of the reasons I like BDI2000's even though they're
so darned expensive (but worth it): they talk to the plain vanilla gdb.


Bill Gatliff
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