gdb and jtag
Doug Evans
Tue Nov 5 08:10:00 GMT 2002
William A. Gatliff writes:
> Take a look at rproxy. I think it's what you really want to embrace
> and extend, sort of a gdbserver for remote debugging--- with the
> server running on the host instead of the target.
> You'd futz with rproxy sources to get it talking to your jtag unit,
> then gdb would use its native RSP protocol (also documented on the
> aforementioned page) to talk to rproxy. In short, you wouldn't touch
> gdb sources at all.
That's certainly another way to go.
Question: Why choose one over the other?
Futzing with gdb sources means gdb is talking directly to
the board and therefore is much easier to debug (when things aren't
working) (and by "debug" here I mean debug the gdb/target connection).
What does futzing with rproxy buy you?
You still have to do some hacking.
>From the web page, it would allow you to run gdb on linux
and run the program that talks to the board on windows
(which would be useful if you have to use a jtag library or some such
that only exists for windows).
Anything else?
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