Avoid 'multiple definition' error during linking?

Jonathan Larmour jlarmour@redhat.co.uk
Tue Jul 18 16:35:00 GMT 2000

Christopher Bahns wrote:
> Do you suppose this is why I'm having my size problems? I had some posts a few days ago about the 14% increase in my program's size when going from
> Microtec Research's (MRI) M68K compiler to GNU's. This increase put me over the limit in my flash memory and now we may have to do something funky to get
> the program to work under GNU. Maybe in the end the size increase with GNU will actually prevent us from converting over to it, which would be a bit
> unfortunate.
> I don't know if I'm pulling in unused functions from object files that have at least one function that I am using, but now I suspect I might be (perhaps
> MRI's engineers just did a better job of optimizing their code.....).

GNU does support removal of unused functions. Compile with
-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections (and with g++ also -fvtable-gc). And
then invoke GNU ld with --gc-sections. If using gcc to invoke the linker
(as you should be) this is done by using -Wl,--gc-sections on the link

This only works for statically linked executables, but the size saving can
be considerable.

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