[Bug] DWARF-5 section names in PE/PEP and weak symbols

ASSI Stromeko@nexgo.de
Mon Feb 14 11:02:59 GMT 2022

Achim Gratz writes:
> In fact it appears that with 2.38 weak symbols are in fact working
> correctly for the handful examples that I've come up with.  I'll have to
> go back to the original example that produced buggy behaviour (grep-3.7
> w/o patched gnulib threadlib.m4) and see if that's now working as well
> (it may not, since the libraries have all been produced by earlier ld,
> but it seems worth trying).

So, grep-3.7 does still not work when compiled with weak symbols
enabled.  It seems that it does not properly resoves the symbol using the
DLL at runtime and/or misses to take the actual base address of the DLL
into account (which differs from the one that it had when it was built
due to rebasing).

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