A Proposal to Move to Git

Fred Cooke fred.cooke@gmail.com
Thu Aug 22 14:39:00 GMT 2013

Using two systems in parallel seems to be a terrible idea. One nice
thing with Git is that the release branch, once imported, could be
practiced on locally for honing the new process.

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 4:25 PM, Joel Brobecker <brobecker@adacore.com> wrote:
>> If you switch after the releases have been made you also need to
>> consider how you'll handle 'dot' releases should they be necessary.  Are
>> they going to come from the CVS source base and then be re-imported into
>> GIT?  Or, are you going to use a different process to handle them from
>> that used to produce the main release?
> It's a good point. I thought we'd keep using CVS for 7.7.x while
> transitioning to git for "HEAD". On the other hand, I like Tristan's
> confidence, so I'd be OK with switching to git before we create
> the 7.7 branch. Also, why force ourselves to use two systems, one
> of them being phased out, when we can use just one?
> --
> Joel

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